
How to Make Sure you have Staff Excellence

You probably are acutely aware that the development of your individual employees and managers is paramount to the actual expression and experience of your corporate culture. Yet, at an individual level, what does self-management, effective managing-up, teamwork, communication, etc., actually look like?

This program helps you see the exact factors that need to be in place to have a corporate culture of “excellence:”

Staff Excellence 100 Program (right-click and Save As… to download, or click to view)

Why You Should Never Motivate People

Motivating people is how things get done, right?

Yes, if, you want your workplace to slowly (or rapidly) become a heavy, resistant, cement-laden environment where almost nothing gets done. Interpersonal issues fester and become significant problems. Some of your best talent ends up moving on, and the people that don’t mind doing nothing are inertial enough to stay. Sound attractive? Familiar in any way?

There is something much more powerful and effective than motivation. It is called:


Let’s contrast the two:

Motivation – The act or process of providing external reasons for people to do things. Sometimes simplified as carrot and stick. You probably need to think carefully about the less-overt external pressures that are in use in your workplace.

Inspiration – The act or process of stimulating a person’s INTERNAL reasons for doing things. Generally touching them at a heart or creative level such that they WOULD LOVE to participate in something regardless of any reward or punishment. People touched in this way are productive, creative, powerful, alive and engaged.

Seeing the difference?

The first place to reflect might be the ways in which you are “motivating” yourself.




Why Coaching?

forest-aug-2015No doubt you can considered many options, and tried many things, to solve your problems.

Why consider coaching? Doesn’t it seem like a bit of last ditch effort…To talk to a stranger over the phone and hope to change your life?

Well, maybe it is a last ditch effort. That doesn’t matter.

What does matter, is…Coaching works.

Coaching will help you understand what is truly important in terms of your success.

It will make you much better positioned to take timely, effective, conscious action in your life.

Coaching will allow you to relate better to your colleagues and loved ones.

Have you ever met someone who seems to really have it all together? Ask them. They probably have a coach.